Scripts By Jack

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  • Related: FAQs by Jack C (pdf)
  • Mapping Dense Vegetation and Bare Soils
  • Requires that a matching Mask Raster (MK) exist (to define area of interest that contains bare soil and dense vegetation).
  • Takes SRFI rasters and PVI & PVI and produces a set of Diagnostic Rasters (DBL, DGL, ...).
  • Input may have been produced by SRFI.sml or by TERCOR.sml.
TechGuideMapping Dense Vegetation and Bare Soils
  • Related: FAQs by Jack G (pdf)
  • Utility script to optionally improve the quality of the WATERMASK raster produced and used by WATER.sml.
  • Requires a WATERMASK raster produced by a previous run of WATER.sml.
  • Allows you to refine the separation between land and water to produce a better water-enhanced composite image.
GRUVI.sml: GRUVI.sml
TechGuideMapping Vegetation/Soil Biophysical Properties
  • Related: FAQs by Jack H (pdf)
  • Object Finding in Grayscale Images 
  • This script produces three output products:
    1. A georeferenced Edge-Probability (EP) raster,
    2. A set of georeferenced vector Scene-Object Polygons (SOPs), and
    3. A text report.
  • This script uses a single input raster; possibly a SRFI raster for a particular spectral band, such as SRFINA. Better yet, a Rin raster could be a Tasseled Cap (TC) raster from TASCAP.sml, e.g., TC Greenness.
TechGuideObject Finding in Grayscale Images
  • Requires knowing the imager source.
  • Fixes imagery that uses "0" for both brightness and fill pixels
  • Output is another set of image data (BL, GL, ... MC).
  • Related: FAQs by Jack B and FAQs by Jack A (pdf)
  • Calibrate Satellite Images to Surface Reflectance
  • Processes source imagery data to produce SRFI rasters and pair of PVI and PBI rasters (plus SRFI.txt, a processing report).
  • Requires knowing the imager source, the collection date, the processing date, and solar elevation angle.  Defaults may be otherwise taken.  But recommend HEP=20 for QB, and HEP=500 for Landsat 7 -- not much effect on results.
  • Input may be output rasters from REPAIR_IMAGE.sml
TechGuideCalibrating Multispectral Satellite Images
TechGuideCalibrate Satellite Images to Surface Reflectance
  • Related: FAQs by Jack F (pdf)
  • Generalized Mapping of Biophysical Properties
  • Requires SRFI-scaled multispectral image bands (4 to 9 spectral bands).
  • Computes pre-defined or customized measures of biophysical properties using the Tasseled Cap transformation.
  • Outputs: a set of Tasseled Cap biophysical measure rasters plus accompanying spectral distance rasters.
TechGuideGeneralized Mapping of Biophysical Properties
  • Related: FAQs by Jack D (pdf)
  • Correct for Terrain Induced Radiance Effects
  • Requires SRFI rasters and PVI and PBI pair.
  • Requires knowing the image source.
  • Requires the existence of a SHADING raster (made by TNTmips Slope, Aspect, Shading process).
  • Output is a set of terrain-slope-aspect-corrected SRFI rasters plus a related PVI & PBI pair.
TechGuideCorrect for Terrain Induced Radiance Effects
  • Related: FAQs by Jack G (pdf)
  • Color-Enhance Satellite Images of Coastal Areas
  • Earth Imaging Journal: "Deep Water Ahead: Using Satellite Imagery for Underwater Mapping"
    Mapping submerged water features with satellite imagery requires an approach that differs from land mapping.
  • Performs specialized color enhancements for multispectral images of coastal areas, with separate treatment of shallow-water and land areas.
  • Requires a set of four SRFI rasters (from SRFI.sml), namely, SRIFBL, SRIFGL, SRFIRL, and SRFINA).
  • Combines an enhanced natural-color image of shallow-water areas with a choice of land image: natural color, color-infrared, or grayscale.
  • Outputs: an IMAGE raster (24-bit color) that can be exported to an external format (e.g. GeoTIFF) for distribution as a value-added products.
TechGuideColor-Enhance Satellite Images of Coastal Areas