Frequently Asked Questions about TNTgis software


Where can I find detailed information about downloading and installing TNTgis?

The Download & Install FAQs page has information on downloading, installing, starting TNTmips, and license level configuration.


What is the difference between the TNTgis software version and edition?

Weekly Edition: Get all the latest fixes and updates by downloading and installing a completely new software edition posted each week.

New Versions: New versions of TNTgis are released in January every year. The version number is the year of its release.

Development Version: The development version (DV) of TNTmips includes features in development for the next release. TNTmips Pro DV is available if you have a license for the current Release Version. If you do not have a current license the DV is available with TNTmips Free.

How can I tell what version and edition I am using?

The name of the file you download to install TNTgis includes the version number and edition date. For example an installer file may be named TNT_XXXX_App_Win64_YYYYMMDD.exe where XXXX is the version number and YYYYMMDD is the edition date. It is also in the Product Information window, which you can accss via the menu bar: Help > About TNTmips. Version, edition, and other helpful information is automatically included in your email when you use the Help > Contact Support form to ask a question, report an error, or request a new feature.


Where do I find TNTgis documentation?

Extensive documentation is available for TNTmips including step by step Tutorials and Technical Guides for specific topics. You can access all TNTmips documentation from the software Help menu, the search field on any page of our website, or from the Documentation by Topic page or the main Documentation page on our website. You also have the option of downloading and installing the TNTmips documentation if do not want to access the files over the internet.

What is the best way to find documentation for a specific feature?

Many windows in TNTmips have a Help button or icon where you can access quick help for features specific to that window. The Help window that opens will also include links to more detailed documentation.


What is the best way to receive technical support?

MicroImages provides unlimited, free technical support to anyone who is using our TNTgis software products (professional or free). If possible, we recommend you report errors and request new features using the Contact Support form on the TNTmips' Help menu.

I have a data specific problem, question, or feature request and need to send you my data. How can I send you files?

You can use any of the methods below to send files/data to us:

  1. Contact Support form (located on the Help menu of the TNTmips menu bar).
  2. On-line form on our web site: https://www.microimages.com/support/eform.htm
  3. Attach files to your email if under 5 Megabytes. (Please zip up your data files before attaching them to your email to avoid anti-virus software flagging it.)
  4. Post the file on your own ftp site or a cloud file sharing service (i.e. Google Drive, or Dropbox). Please email us with the link to the site as well as any required login and password.

MicroImages receives sample and test data sets from all over the world every day. Please note that the only interest we have in requesting your data set is to use it to help with your request. The data set you provide will be kept confidential and neither the data or information about it will be provided to anyone else.