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# pansharpcomp.sml
# Sample script that illustrates the use of a complex custom
# dialog window constructed using an XML dialog specification.
# The script computes a pan-sharpened color-composite 
# image from three bands of a multispectral image and a 
# higher-resolution panchromatic image.
# If the Apply Contrast option is selected for an input raster, 
# the last-used contrast table is used to make a contrast-adjusted
# temporary raster for further processing.  Perform necessary
# contrast enhancements for the input rasters and save contrast
# tables before running the script. 
# Randy Smith
# MicroImages, Inc.
# 12 June, 2003
########## Global Class Declarations ##############################
class XMLDOC dlgdoc;			# class instance for the XML document
class XMLNODE pscdlgnode;	# class instance for the node in the XML
									# document corresponding to the dialog
class GUI_DLG pscdialog;	# class instance for the GUI dialog
class GUI_FORMDATA data;	# class instance for retrieved dialog settings
########## Global Variable Declarations ###########################
string xml$;			# string containing the XML text with the dialog specification
numeric err;			# value returned by the class method that reads and parses
							# the XML text 
numeric ret;			# value returned by the class method that opens dialog
numeric numlinsP;		# number of lines in panchromatic raster
numeric numcolsP;		# number of columns in panchromatic raster
string datatypeP$;	# data type of panchromatic raster
raster RedCon, GreenCon, BlueCon, PanCon;		# temporary rasters for
															# contrast-enhanced bands
raster RedRsp, GreenRsp, BlueRsp;		# temporary rasters for resampled
													# RGB components
string method$;		# color blending method from dialog listbox;
### variables for color conversion
raster RedSharp, GreenSharp, BlueSharp;	# temporary rasters for pan-sharpened color components
numeric r, g, b, p;	# values of red, green, blue, and pan components for current cell
numeric h, i, s;		# values of hue, intensity, and saturation for current cell (from r, g, b)
numeric br;				# brightness value for current cell in HBS color model (from r, g, b)
numeric scale;			# scale factor for Brovey transform
### variables for color composite
numeric bdepth;				# desired bit depth of output composite from dialog: 24, 16, or 8
string compdatatype$;		# string with datatype of composite raster
raster Comp;					# output raster for color composite
numeric compobjnum;			# object number of output composite raster
string compfilename$;		# filename, object name, and object descriptions
string compobjname$;			# for output composite raster
string compobjdescr$;
####################### Procedures ###############################
# procedure to initially disable OK button
# on main dialog window when it opens
proc OnOpenDlg () {
	pscdialog.SetOkEnabled( 0 );
# procedure to select band and write its filename / object name
# to the dialog (in edittext field)
proc GetBand(raster Band, string id$) {
	local string filename$, objname$, dlgtext$;
	local numeric objnum;
	GetInputRaster( Band, 0, 0, "8-bit unsigned" );
	filename$ = GetObjectFileName( Band );
	objnum = GetObjectNumber( Band );
	objname$ = GetObjectName( filename$, objnum );
	dlgtext$ = sprintf( "%s.%s /  %s", FileNameGetName(filename$), FileNameGetExt(filename$), objname$ );
	pscdialog.SetCtrlValueStr( id$, dlgtext$ );
	}	# end proc GetBand()
# callback procedure for the Red... pushbutton; prompts user to 
# select the Red color component
proc SelectRed () {
	class Raster Red;
	GetBand( Red, "rname" );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "conred" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "getg" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	}	# end proc SelectRed()
# callback procedure for the Green... pushbutton; prompts user to 
# select the Green color component 
proc SelectGreen () {
	class Raster Green;
	GetBand( Green, "gname" );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "congrn" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "getb" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	}	# end proc SelectGreen()
# callback procedure for the Blue... pushbutton; prompts user to 
# select the Blue color component 
proc SelectBlue () {
	class Raster Blue;
	GetBand( Blue, "bname" );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "conblue" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "getp" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	}	# end proc SelectBlue()
# callback procedure for the Intensity... pushbutton; prompts user to 
# select the Intensity component
proc SelectPan () {
	class Raster Pan;
	GetBand( Pan, "pname" );
	pscdialog.GetCtrlByID( "conpan" ).SetEnabled( 1 );
	pscdialog.SetOkEnabled( 1 );
	}	# end proc SelectPan()
# callback procedure for the OK button on the dialog
# to retrieve the dialog settings and store in GUI_FORMDATA
proc GetValues () {
	data = pscdialog.GetValues();
############## Main Program #####################
$warnings 3;
# create string variable with XML specification for control dialog
xml$='<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<dialog id="psc" Title="Make Pan-Sharpened Color Composite" OnOpen = "OnOpenDlg()" OnOK = "GetValues()" >
		<pane Orientation="vertical">
			<groupbox Name=" Select Input Rasters: " ExtraBorder="4">
				<pane Orientation="horizontal">
					<pushbutton Name="Red..." WidthGroup="Buttons" OnPressed="SelectRed()"/>
					<edittext id="rname" Width="25" ReadOnly="true"/>
					<togglebutton id="conred" Name="Apply contrast" Enabled="0" Selected="true"/>
				<pane Orientation="horizontal">
					<pushbutton id="getg" Name="Green..." WidthGroup="Buttons" Enabled="0" OnPressed="SelectGreen()"/>
					<edittext id="gname" Width="25" ReadOnly="true"/>
					<togglebutton id="congrn" Name="Apply contrast" Enabled="0" Selected="true"/>
				<pane Orientation="horizontal">
					<pushbutton id="getb" Name="Blue..." WidthGroup="Buttons" Enabled="0" OnPressed="SelectBlue()"/>
					<edittext id="bname" Width="25" ReadOnly="true"/>
					<togglebutton id="conblue" Name="Apply contrast" Enabled="0" Selected="true"/>
				<pane Orientation="horizontal">
					<pushbutton id="getp" Name="Pan..." WidthGroup="Buttons" Enabled="0" OnPressed="SelectPan()"/>
					<edittext id="pname" Width="25" ReadOnly="true"/>
					<togglebutton id="conpan" Name="Apply contrast" Enabled="0" Selected="true"/>
		<pane Orientation="horizontal">
			<label HorizAlign="Right" HorizResize="Fixed">Color Blending Mode: </label>
			<listbox id="method" Default="HIS" Height="3" Width="7" SelectStyle="single" HorizResize="Fixed">
				<item Value="HIS">HIS</item>
				<item Value="HBS">HBS</item>
				<item Value="Brovey">Brovey</item>
			<label HorizAlign="Right" HorizResize="Fixed"> Composite Type:</label>
			<combobox id="comp" Default ="24-bit" Width="7" HorizAlign="Right" HorizResize="Fixed">
				<item Value="24">24-bit</item>
				<item Value="16">16-bit</item>
### parse XML text for the dialog into memory; 
### return an error code (number < 0 ) if there are syntax errors
err = dlgdoc.Parse(xml$);
if ( err < 0 ) {
	PopupError( err ); 	# Popup an error dialog. "Details" button shows syntax errors.
# get the dialog element from the parsed XML document and
# show error message if the dialog element can't be found
pscdlgnode = dlgdoc.GetElementByID("psc");
if ( pscdlgnode == 0 ) {
	PopupMessage("Could not find dialog node in XML document");
# Set the XML dialog element as the source for the GUI_DLG class instance
# we are using for the dialog window.
ret = pscdialog.DoModal();
if ( ret == -1 ) {	# exit script if Cancel button on dialog is pressed
### Get the output raster for the composite
### Get setting for composite bit-depth
bdepth = data.GetValueNum( "comp" );
# printf( "bit-depth = %d\n", bdepth);
if ( bdepth == 24 ) then 
	compdatatype$ = "24-bit color RGB";
	compdatatype$ = "16-bit color RGB";
### Get the output raster
numlinsP = NumLins( Pan );
numcolsP = NumCols( Pan );
GetOutputRaster( Comp, numlinsP, numcolsP, compdatatype$ );
### apply contrast tables if requested
printf( "Applying contrast if requested...\n\n" );
datatypeP$ = RastType( Pan );
CreateTempRaster( RedCon, NumLins( Red ), NumCols( Red ), RastType( Red ) );
CreateTempRaster( GreenCon, NumLins( Green ), NumCols( Green ), RastType( Green ) );
CreateTempRaster( BlueCon, NumLins( Blue ), NumCols( Blue ), RastType( Blue ) );
CreateTempRaster( PanCon, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
if ( data.GetValueStr( "conred" ) == "yes" ) then
	RasterApplyContrast2( Red, RedCon, "Subobject" );
	RedCon = Red;
CopySubobjects(Red, RedCon, "GEOREF" );
if ( data.GetValueStr( "congrn" ) == "yes" ) then
	RasterApplyContrast2( Green, GreenCon, "Subobject" );
	GreenCon = Green;
CopySubobjects( Green, GreenCon, "GEOREF" );
if ( data.GetValueStr( "conblue" ) == "yes" ) then
	RasterApplyContrast2( Blue, BlueCon, "Subobject" );
	BlueCon = Blue;
CopySubobjects( Blue, BlueCon, "GEOREF" );
if ( data.GetValueStr( "conpan" ) == "yes" ) then
	RasterApplyContrast2( Pan, PanCon, "Subobject" );
	PanCon = Pan;
### resample RGB rasters to match the Panchromatic band
printf( "Resampling RGB rasters to match Pan... \n\n" );
# create temporary rasters for resampled RedCon, GreenCon, and BlueCon
CreateTempRaster( RedRsp, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
CreateTempRaster( GreenRsp, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
CreateTempRaster( BlueRsp, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
ResampleRasterToMatch( RedCon, Pan, RedRsp, "planeproj", "bilinear" );
ResampleRasterToMatch( GreenCon, Pan, GreenRsp, "planeproj", "bilinear" );
ResampleRasterToMatch( BlueCon, Pan, BlueRsp, "planeproj", "bilinear" );
DeleteTempRaster( RedCon );		# delete the temporary rasters for contrast-enhanced
DeleteTempRaster( GreenCon );		# RGB bands
DeleteTempRaster( BlueCon );
### Do the color adjustments to make sharpened
### red, green, and blue components
printf( "Performing color conversion...\n\n" );
CreateTempRaster( RedSharp, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
CreateTempRaster( GreenSharp, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
CreateTempRaster( BlueSharp, numlinsP, numcolsP, datatypeP$ );
### check dialog settings for selected color conversion method
method$ = data.GetValueStr( "method" );
if ( method$ == "HIS" ) {		# convert RGB to HIS, swap P for I,
										# then convert back to RGB
	for each RedRsp {
		r = RedRsp;
		g = GreenRsp;
		b = BlueRsp;
		p = PanCon / 2.55;	# scales to intensity range 0-100
									# expected by color conversion functions
		ConvertRGBtoHIS( 254, r, g, b, h, i, s );
		ConvertHIStoRGB( 254, h, p, s, r, g, b );
		RedSharp = r;
		GreenSharp = g;
		BlueSharp = b;
else if (method$ == "HBS" ) {	# convert RGB to HBS, swap P for Brightness,
										# then convert back to RGB
	for each RedRsp {
		r = RedRsp;
		g = GreenRsp;
		b = BlueRsp;
		p = PanCon / 2.55;	# scales to intensity range 0-100
									# expected by color conversion functions
		ConvertRGBtoHBS( r, g, b, h, br, s );
		ConvertHBStoRGB( h, p, s, r, g, b );
		RedSharp = r;
		GreenSharp = g;
		BlueSharp = b;
else {	# do Brovey transform
	for each RedRsp {
		r = RedRsp;
		g = GreenRsp;
		b = BlueRsp;
		p = PanCon;
		scale = 3 * p / ( r + g + b + 1 );
		RedSharp = r * scale;
		GreenSharp = g * scale;
		BlueSharp = b * scale;
DeleteTempRaster( RedRsp );
DeleteTempRaster( GreenRsp );
DeleteTempRaster( BlueRsp );
### Make the output composite
printf( "Making the output composite...\n\n" );
### Get info on the output raster for composite
compfilename$ = GetObjectFileName( Comp );
compobjnum = GetObjectNumber( Comp );
compobjname$ = GetObjectName( compfilename$, compobjnum );
compobjdescr$ = GetObjectDescription( compfilename$, compobjnum );
# Delete the Comp object because the stupid RasterRGBToComposite
# function wants to make its own; we will just use the names
# obtained from the GetOutputRaster dialog
DeleteObject( compfilename$, compobjnum );
### Make output composite
RasterRGBToComposite( RedSharp, GreenSharp, BlueSharp, Comp, compfilename$, compobjname$, compobjdescr$, bdepth );
CopySubobjects(Pan, Comp, "GEOREF");
printf( "Done." );