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# Import GPS data from Text file and display it
# Version 1 January 13 2005
# William Ferris
# Digital Environmental
# [email protected]
# This Macro will import GPS or any point data from a comma delimited
# text file that has 6 standard fields.
# This text file can have a one line header and the following fields
# waypoint - Integer
# easting - Integer
# northing - Integer
# date - Text
# symbol - Text
# comment - Text
#    note is OSX there may be bug in import so make sure to delete the last line in
#    in the CSV file.
# The limitation of this method is that the georeferencing is taken fromthe first vector
# of the first group.
class FILE gpsfile;
class DATABASE db;
class DBTABLEINFO table;
class DBTABLEVAR tablevar;
class DBFIELDINFO waypoint,easting,northing,date,symbol,comment;
class GRE_GROUP gp,group;
class GRE_LAYER layer;
class GRE_LAYER_VECTOR vectorlayer;
class STYLEOBJECT style;
class GEOREF curGeoRef;
class Vector GpsVector,V,curVector;
class Raster curRaster;
string theString$,token$,delimits$,thedate$,thesymbol$,thecomment$,rvcfilename$,objectname$,stylestring$,description$;
numeric n,i,thewaypoint,theeasting,thenorthing,therecord,pointnum,recordnum,objectNumber;
array numeric ptrecords[1];
## the delimiter between fields in the text file is a commma
delimits$ = ",";
## get the actual text file that contains the data in csv format (commna delimited)
gpsfile = GetInputTextFile("c:/default.csv", "Select text file for input", "csv");
# wanted to use GetOutputObject so I could limit it to new objects only but there seems to
# be a bug currently in the routine under v7.0 so use GetOutputVector instead.
# I had a version which just added it the existing vector but choose to create single unique
# vectors for cosmetic and practial reasons.
GetOutputVector(GpsVector, "VectorToolKit");
objectNumber = GetObjectNumber(GpsVector);
rvcfilename$ = GetObjectFileName(GpsVector);
objectname$ = GetObjectName(rvcfilename$,objectNumber);
db = OpenVectorPointDatabase(GpsVector);
if(TableExists(db,"GPS_Data") == 0) {
# create the database for the new point vector
db = OpenVectorPointDatabase(GpsVector);
table = TableCreate(db,"GPS_Data","Created from imported GPS point locations");
# set it so there is only one element per record (line)
table.OneRecordPerElement = 1;
# create the new fields for the database.
waypoint = TableAddFieldInteger(table,"Waypoint",4);
easting = TableAddFieldInteger(table,"Easting",6);
northing = TableAddFieldInteger(table,"Northing",7);
date = TableAddFieldString(table,"Date",15,15);
symbol = TableAddFieldString(table,"Symbol",15,15);
comment = TableAddFieldString(table,"Comment",254,50);
# get the header line to determine the number of fields
# and this will move the next line read to the actual data
theString$ = fgetline$(gpsfile);
# this counts the number of comma's which gives us the number of fields
# so no comma's in the comment field!
n = NumberTokens(theString$,delimits$);
#### should put an error routine in here if there are more than 6
# this works if it is a new vector or if we are adding points to an existing vector
pointnum = NumVectorPoints(GpsVector) + 1;
# continue reading the text file until the end of the file is reached
while (!feof(gpsfile)) {
# get the next line
theString$ = fgetline$(gpsfile);
for i = 1 to n {
token$ = GetToken(theString$,delimits$,i);
if (i == 1) then {
thewaypoint = StrToNum(token$);
if (i == 2) then {
theeasting = StrToNum(token$);
if (i == 3) then {
thenorthing = StrToNum(token$);
if (i == 4) then {
thedate$ = token$;
# once we get to the date field we have the point x and y location so we can
# create a new point which we are going to attach the database record to
if (i == 5) then {
thesymbol$ = token$;
if (i == 6) then {
thecomment$ = token$;
# we create a new record and the associated table data
recordnum =
ptrecords[1] = recordnum;
# now we attach this data string to the point we created earlier
pointnum = pointnum + 1;
# always a good idea to validate your vector after creating it.
# Get the name of the first group and cycle through them to find out if
# the 'Imported GPS Data' group is already present in the layout.
group = Layout.FirstGroup;
while (group.Name != "" && group.Name != "Imported GPS Data")
group = group.NextGroup;
# if the group hasn't been already added to the layout then create it.
if (group.Name == "") {
gp = GroupCreate("Imported GPS Data",Layout);
# attach the new group to the first group so it will display properly
} else {
# if it already exists get its 'name'
gp = group;
# get the object we are going to use for the GEOREF object from the first
layer = Layout.FirstGroup.FirstLayer;
# now add our newly created vector to our new group that we just created
GroupQuickAddVector(gp,rvcfilename$, objectNumber);
# open the vector that we created so we can add georeferencing and sytles
vectorlayer = gp.ActiveLayer;
while(layer.Type != "Vector" && layer.NextLayer != 0) {
layer = layer.NextLayer;
# we set the vector to use a style object and set it to use a style script
# to display the points
# the style object is just one from the standard styles available from MIPs
# in the standard install.  Copy it over to the RVC project you are going to
# use the import script on.
style = OpenStyleObject(rvcfilename$,"Basic");
vectorlayer.StyleObject = style;
vectorlayer.Point.StyleMode = "ByScript";
# get the style script for the point symbols, remember must be in the
# same directory as the RVC.  I created the style script previously and
# saved it. remember changes to the style script will affect only new
# imports not the pre-existing ones.
stylestring$ = ScriptResourceReadFull("point_symbols.qry");
vectorlayer.Point.Script = stylestring$;
# when I figure out how to do this I will add automatic data tip setting
#vectorlayer.ShowDataTips = 1;
# now that we have everything let us zoom to the new layer extents
# close the vector we created and any other objects we opened
# write the layout with the new group back to the RVC, when you next open the
# layout object it will be there with the points you imported.
LayoutWrite(Layout,rvcfilename$,Layout.Name,"Field GPS data added");