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# CubeQry3
# Point CartoScript to draw red 3D cube symbol
# with a label (from database) in a text box
# with units set to millimeters at display scale.
# Script from Using CartoScripts tutorial.
# Set dimensions of cube symbol
width = 4;
depth = 0.5 * width;
height = width;
# Set color for cube faces 
red = 255;	green= 0;	blue = 0; 
# Draw cube symbol
LineStyleSetColor(0,0,0);	# line color for edges
# Read sample number from database field and convert
# to text string for use as a label
Label$ = sprintf("%d", Samples.Number);
# String variable for label text font
Font$ = "ARIALBD.TTF";
# Define color variables for text
tred = 0;	tgreen= 0;		tblue = 0;
# Define fill color variables for text box
fillred = 255;		fillgreen = 255;		fillblue = 170;
# Define height, angle, and border width of text
t_height = 4;		angle = 0;		border = 0.5;
# Set color and font for text label
LineStyleSetTextColor(tred,tgreen,tblue,fillred, fillgreen, fillblue);
# Move pen to right of symbol and draw label
LineStyleMoveTo(0, width * 1.2);