
ResampleMatchRef.smlb ResampleMatchRef.smlb
TechGuideReproject Image To Match Reference
TIFFresampleToCRStoJP2.smlb TIFFresampleToCRStoJP2.smlb
TechGuideReproject TIFF and Export to JPEG2000
classifyRaster.sml: Script takes an input elevation raster (suggest cb_elev.rvc/DEM_16bit) and creates an output classification raster based on the range values set in the script (specific to DEM_16bit). classifyRaster.sml
colorToGreyscale.sml: Creates an 8-bit unsigned grayscale raster from RGB rasters. colorToGreyscale.sml
crisp_filter_orig_bitdpth.sml crisp_filter_orig_bitdpth.sml
crisp_filter.sml: Compute the principle components, sharpen the first component with a summary filter, and recombines using the sharpend pc1 and the other pc bands. crisp_filter.sml
CropTiffsWithShapefiles.sml: Script to resample georeferenced airphoto TIFF files to NAD83 / New Jersey State Plane Feet and crop to a rectangular area in that coordinate system. The rectangular area for each photo TIFF is defined by a rectangle in an accompanying shapefile. CropTiffsWithShapefiles.sml
demogama.sml: # SML script to demonstrate gamma adjustment of gradient raster. Displays a grey scale gradient and applies gamma adjustment to top portion. demogama.sml
filterTest.sml filterTest.sml
ImageStatsForCategoryRast.sml: Compute Image Statistics by Category Raster ImageStatsForCategoryRast.sml
lincombo.sml: Creates Raster objects that are linear combinations of any number of input Raster objects. lincombo.sml
map_values.sml: Output cell values re-mapped to new values. map_values.sml
pca.sml: Computes principal components of 4 input bands. pca.sml
PipelineContrastCompositeToTIFF.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application: applying contrast to three grayscale RVC source rasters and making an RGB composite GeoTIFF file. PipelineContrastCompositeToTIFF.sml
PipelineCropAndMaskFromRegion.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate use of a region as a pipeline source to mask and crop a source image. PipelineCropAndMaskFromRegion.sml
TechGuideUsing Regions in a Pipeline
PipelineFilterLookup.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: applying contrast to a grayscale raster. PipelineFilterLookup.sml
PipelineMosaicToReference.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application using multiple RVC sources and a single RVC target: mosaicking the source rasters. PipelineMosaicToReference.sml
TechGuidePipeline Structures for Multiple Inputs
PipelineNDVIfromTIFF_CropAndMaskFromRegion.sml PipelineNDVIfromTIFF_CropAndMaskFromRegion.sml
PipelineNDVIfromTIFF.sml: Computes a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) raster from Red and Near-infrared bands directly from an input GeoTIFF file containing a 4-band multispectral QuickBird or Ikonos satellite image. PipelineNDVIfromTIFF.sml
PipelineResampleToGeoref.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a source raster to match its georeference at the specified cell size. PipelineResampleToGeoref.sml
TechGuidePipeline Image Processing
PipelineResampleToGeorefMulti.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: Reprojecting a series of source rasters with control-point georeference to align their lines/columns with their coordinate reference system and maintain their current cell size.

Script shows how to incorporate an image processing pipeline into a user-defined function that is iteratively called to process a series of grayscale rasters through the same processing steps, with each iteration producing a single output raster.
PipelineResampleToMatch.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a source raster to match the extents, cell size, and projection of a reference raster. PipelineResampleToMatch.sml
TechGuidePipeline Programming Basics
PipelineResampleToMatchMulti.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a series of georeferenced source rasters to match the extents, cell size, and projection of a georeferenced reference raster.

Script shows how to incorporate an image processing pipeline into a user-defined function that is iteratively called to process a series of grayscale rasters through the same processing steps, with each each iteration producing a single output raster.
PipelineResampleToUTM.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate a simple image pipeline application: resampling/reprojecting a source raster to a different coordinate reference system. In this example the image is reprojected to the UTM zone appropriate for its location while maintaining the same datum. PipelineResampleToUTM.sml
PipelineTopographic.sml: Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application using a single RVC source and a target consisting of several RVC raster objects. PipelineTopographic.sml
princomp.sml: Computes principle component transformation matrix for a set of rasters. princomp.sml
ProvisionTNTscript.sml: Image provisioning script. ProvisionTNTscript.sml
ProvisionPoly.sml: Image provisioning script for client providing polygon vertex coordinates. ProvisionPoly.sml
ProvisionRect.sml: Image provisioning script for client providing rectangular extents. ProvisionRect.sml
ProvisionSection.sml: Image provisioning script for extracting Nebraska orthoimage for Township, Range, and Section. ProvisionSection.sml
RasterPrintXYZ5.sml: Exports a raster to an X, Y, Z text file, formatted so each line of the text file corresponds to one cell in the raster. RasterPrintXYZ5.sml
reclassify.sml reclassify.sml
regress.sml: Computes coefficents of miltilinear regression equations on a set of rasters. regress.sml
rgbhis.sml: Convert between RGB and HIS. rgbhis.sml
scale.sml: Scales a grayscale raster into full 0-255 range. scale.sml
scaleras.sml: Scale cells of raster to desired range. scaleras.sml
Fill Gaps: Implement gap filling rules for raster mosaic seams. fixseam.sml

Writing Scripts with SML

RATIOSCL.sml: Compute ratio between two raster image bands and rescale to 8-bit unsigned range for output raster. Ratio = 1.00 is scaled to 128. Separate scaling is applied for ratios less than or greater than 1.00. Scale factor for upper range is based on global maximum ratio value, requiring creation of temporary ratio raster. RATIOSCL.sml