Basic Style Scripts

Fill_Color_StringRGB.qry: Fill polygons with RGB color Fill_Color_StringRGB.qry
Fill_Color.qry: Set polygon fill color Fill_Color.qry
fill_junk.qry: Set polygon fill based on style. fill_junk.qry
Fill_poly_style.qry: Set polygon fill based on style. Fill_poly_style.qry
Fill_poly_transp.qry: Set polygon fill color with transparency. Fill_poly_transp.qry
Fill_Polys_Script_w_StyleObject.qry: Style by Attribute — styles must have same name as the attributes you are matching. Fill_Polys_Script_w_StyleObject.qry
fillcolr.qry: Set fill color of one polygon. fillcolr.qry
MultiRecord_style.qry: Set fill color of every polygon with attribute containing specified text. MultiRecord_style.qry
MultiRecord_StyleSubobject.qry: Set style by attribute using if-else statements MultiRecord_StyleSubobject.qry
Point_Symbols.qry: Set point symbol by attribute using if-else statements Point_Symbols.qry
Point_tri_pt.qry: Set point symbol and color based on attributes in set Point_tri_pt.qry
queries_p17.qry: Styles polygons with border and fill color. From page 17 in the Building and Using Queries tutorial. queries_p17.qry
queries_p18.qry: From page 18 in the Building and Using Queries tutorial The style object set in Vector Layer Controls, Object tab must contain a polygon bitmap fill style named 'BitmapPatt2'. queries_p18.qry
StringRGBFillcolor.qry: Set fill color with computed RGB color StringRGBFillcolor.qry
StyleSubobject.qry: Set style by attribute using if-else statements StyleSubobject.qry
tri_pt.qry: Set point symbol and color based on attributes in set tri_pt.qry
Xfill_polys_3ways.qry: Demonstrates three ways of styling:
• Use a previously set up Style by Attribute table
• Specify a fill color in the script
• Use a style in the style object (style object set in Object tab of Vector Layer Controls dialog).