Download TNTgis 2022 — Release Version

  Geospatial software for image analysis and GIS

The same file is used to install all TNTgis software for all license levels (TNTmips Pro, TNTedit Pro, TNTview Pro, TNTmips Basic, and TNTmips Free).

This is the current Release Version (RV) of TNTgis. You can also try out new features in the Development Version (DV).

Weekly Edition:   Get all the latest fixes and updates by downloading and installing a completely new software edition posted here each week. See list of errors corrected.

Download:   Choose a link below to download the latest weekly edition of TNTgis 2022.

Important: Completely uninstall before installing if you have previously installed TNTgis 2022 prior to 19-Jan-2022.

Verify downloaded installer file with SHA-256 hash values

Windows Remote Desktop

In order to assist customers who are working from home, TNTgis allows remote operation via Windows Remote Desktop.

First time installing and running TNTgis software

After downloading, run the installer and start the TNTmips software via the TNTmips start icon (or choose TNTedit or TNTview icon if you've purchased one of those professional products). The first time you start, you will be prompted to select a license level. If you choose Basic or Professional, instructions will open to guide you through setting up the license. If you have purchased a Professional license you will find detailed instructions in the Installation and Setup Guide.

We recommend you learn the basics of TNTgis with the following two tutorials:

Getting Started with TNTgis
Displaying Geospatial Data

First time installing on macOS

TNTgis software on macOS runs under the XQuartz X Window System. You will need to download XQuartz 2.7.9 and install it before running TNTgis software. Note that TNTmips will run under later versions of XQuartz (including 2.8.1) after making a manual modification.

We recommend you follow the complete steps to installing on macOS the first time.

If you cannot see the TNTmips menu bar after starting it, here are a couple of things to try:
• Turn off "Displays have separate spaces" in Mission Control.
• If the XQuartz icon is showing in the Dock, select it and open Preferences from the XQuartz menu. In the Output panel and check that the Full-screen mode toggle is off.

Updating a previous installation of the same version

In most cases you can use the installer file to update over an existing version, however, there are some cases where this will not succeed. If you are having any technical difficulties, follow the steps to completely uninstall and re-install TNTgis software.

Detailed instructions

The Download and Install FAQ page has detailed instructions on how to download, install, update, and run TNTgis.


TNTgis Technical Guides, Tutorials, Quick Guides, and more are automatically available from the software Help menu if you have an Internet connection.