Uninstall the Sentinel HASP driver

If you are unable to install the latest Sentinel HASP / LDK driver and have previously installed an older driver you may need to uninstall it first. Here's how:

Uninstalling the Sentinel HASP/LDK driver on Windows

1. Open a Command Prompt

2. use the 'cd' command to navigate to the folder where you've installed TNTmips
   (look here: c:\Program Files\MicroImages\TNT_[version number]\)

3. and type the following command: haspdinst �r -kp �purge

Uninstalling the Sentinel HASP driver on Mac

1. Log in as root user

2. In Finder, look in Devices for Sentinel Runtime Installer Scripts

3. Double-click the dunst file (terminal command) and when prompted choose Open
Note, the terminal command in step 3 won't successfully run unless you are logged in as root.

If you still cannot install the driver please visit this Sentinel Customer Community forum page, where you will find detailed instructions on how to proceed.

You may of course contact MicroImages' Technical Support for help as well.