Glossary for Geospatial Science

  Technical vocabulary defined by MicroImages

book Glossary

category:� (in Feature Mapping) �A subdivision within a region of interest (which also has a particular meaning in reference to Feature Mapping) that lets you divide the study site so that the measurement data in the output text file will be organized geographically.� So, if you have defined a region of interest as the wetland duck habitat along a river floodplain, you might want to divide the wetlands into categories: perhaps ownership areas (like refuge lands, private ownership, and easement areas).� Then the text output file would break down the wetland feature measurements by ownership area.� If you do not define categories, TNTmips treats the entire region of interest as a single category (and does not subdivide the feature measurements in the output data).�

Do not confuse the terms �categorical data� and �category��they have different and distinct meanings.