Glossary for Geospatial Science

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azimuthal projections:� (also known as Planar Projections) A class of map projections that are constructed by placing a flat planar surface tangent to a single point on the globe, or by placing the globe to an intersecting (secant) plane.� With azimuthal (or planar) projections, lines of equal distortion are concentric around the point of tangency or the center of the circle of intersection.� Most azimuthal maps do not have standard parallels or standard meridians.� Each map has only one standard point: the center.� Thus, the azimuthal projections are suitable for minimizing distortion in a somewhat circular region, such as Antarctica, but not for an area with predominant length in one direction.� Azimuthal projections include Orthographic, Stereographic, Gnomonic, Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area, and Azimuthal Equidistant.