

Feature Mapping is an interactive classification process that can be applied to any aerial or satellite multiband imagery, from high-quality hyperspectral to poor-quality airvideo. Using Feature Mapping's interactive tools, you can analyze any number of bands to identify, mark, and measure feature classes. You guide the classification procedure by designating a sample area for a prospective class on a reference image, then let Feature Mapping tools find similar image cells throughout the image or in a contiguous patch around the sample. You can classify as much of the image as you like, including marking training areas for use in the Automatic Classification process.

See also: Tech Guides on Feature Mapping and tutorials on Feature Mapping and Image Classification

Prototype feature (red) marked using automatic hole-filling (green)
Grow prototype feature
View features as outlines

Feature Mapping Highlights

  • Analyze any number of image bands
  • Classify the image one feature class at a time
  • Identify sample cells for feature class using point and/or polygon tool
  • Generate class prototypes by exact match to sample cells or by ranges defined by samples
  • Automatically generate prototype class features over entire image, then decide which cell clusters to mark (assign to the class)
  • Mark individual features, multiple features selected by polygon, or Mark All
  • Apply optional hole filling when marking features
  • Grow individual feature prototype as cluster of contiguous cells with control over size
  • Protect areas from being classified/misclassified by automated classification tools
  • Draw polygons to manually define prototypes and features
  • Draw polygons to change class assignments for desired areas
  • View feature overlay as solid fills or unfilled outlines
  • Save feature set as vector object or KML file
  • Automatically transfer styles for feature classes to vector polygons
  • Define region-of-interest for classification purposes
  • Generate report with statistics for all marked features
  • Automatic prompting to save any unsaved objects on exit
  • Classify imagery unsuitable for automatic classification
  • Optionally view sample cell ranges with values of pixel under cursor outside current range highlighted
  • Use multiple views for reference


Feature Mapping

Just One Feature

is just one of many
features and processes
in TNTmips