TNTmips Basic - License Request Upload Form

Before continuing you will need to upload your TNTmips Basic license request file.

If you have not already downloaded and installed TNTmips Free on the specific machine where you wish to run TNTmips Basic, you must do so first to obtain the license request file for that machine. Go here to download TNTmips Free if necessary.

Once you have installed TNTmips Free, start it and choose Help / Upgrade to TNTmips Basic from the menu if the Upgrade window is not already shown. From there you may either press the Info/Buy Online button or you may save the license request file using the Buy Offline button. No further software download or installation is required to upgrade from the Free to Basic license after activation.

Once you have your license request file press the file selection button below and select the file that you saved, then press the Continue button to continue with your purchase.