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# regress.sml
# Computes coefficents of miltilinear regression equations on a set of rasters.
clear(); # clear the console
raster Rr, Rg, Rb;
class MATRIX h1;
h1 = CreateMatrix(3,3); # holds the results
# get three input rasters to do multiregression on
GetInputRaster(Rr);   # get red input raster 
if ( RastType(Rr)  <> "8-bit unsigned" ) {
   PopupMessage( "Only 8 bit unsigned types are supported." );
   CloseRaster(Rr);      # close it
GetInputRaster(Rg);   # get green input raster
if ( RastType(Rg)  <> "8-bit unsigned" ) {
   PopupMessage( "Only 8 bit unsigned types are supported." );
   CloseRaster(Rg);      # close it
GetInputRaster(Rb);   # get blue input raster
if ( RastType(Rb)  <> "8-bit unsigned" ) {
   PopupMessage( "Only 8 bit unsigned types are supported." );
   CloseRaster(Rb);      # close it
# do the multiregression - result in h1
MultiRegression(h1, Rr, Rg, Rb);
printf( "%s\n", "Multi-Regression Output" );
numeric r, c, a;
for r = 0 to 2 {
	for c = 0 to 2 {
		a = GetMatrixItem( h1, r, c );
		printf( "%8.4f ", a );
	printf( "\n" );
CloseRaster(Rr); # do clean up