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# PipelineMosaicToReference.sml
# Sample standalone script to demonstrate an image pipeline application
# using multiple RVC sources and a single RVC target: mosaicking the source rasters.
# Script input: any number of georeferenced RVC raster objects as input for the mosaic
# and a georeferenced reference raster to determine the extents, coordinate reference system, 
# and cell size of the output mosaic
# Script output: a single RVC raster mosaic
# 20 December 2007
# Randy Smith, MicroImages, Inc.
# Revised 14 February 2008
# Requires Version 2008:74 dated 20 February 2008 or later of the TNT products.
# The MOSAIC filter can operate on any number of input stages, each associated with a separate source.
# The mechanism for passing these stages is an IMAGE_PIPELINE_STAGE_ARRAY structure, which in this
# example is populated directly with source stages.  This example also uses a reference raster (a separate 
# Since the number of input rasters to the mosaic is not known until they are selected, the script needs
# a way to iterate through the input images and set up a source class instance for each.  Each of these
# image sources must still exist when the STAGE_ARRAY is passed to the MOSAIC filter; iteratively
# reusing a single source instance and passing it to the STAGE_ARRAY is not valid.
# The solution is to construct the image source as an array of sources using the number of inputs selected
# to define the size of the array.    
# The script uses the DlgGetObjects() function to pop up a dialog enabling selection of the input rasters; 
# this function populates a hash of RVC_OBJITEMs (identifiers for the input objects).  The script loops
# through the hash like an array to get each input RVC_OBJITEM as needed.  Each of these objitems is used to
# define a new image source that is added to the source array.  The source is initialized and check for
# a valid coordinate reference system before being appened to the STAGE_ARRAY. Sources without a valid
# CRS are not added to the STAGE_ARRAY and thus do not become part of the mosaic.  Because the STAGE_ARRAY
# may end up with fewer stages than the number of input images, it is constructed without specifying
# the number of stages, and an Append() method that automatically enlarges the array is used to add valid
# sources to it.  
numeric err;			# error code returned
# error checking procedure
proc ReportError(numeric linenum, numeric err) {
	printf("FAILED -line: %d, error: %d\n", linenum - 1, err);
#####################################  Main program  #######################################################
# set context so script does not exit on error, allowing manual
# handling of errors
_context.AbortOnError = 0;
# CHOOSE REFERENCE RASTER to control the extents and cell size of the mosaic
class RVC_OBJITEM refObjItem;		# ObjItem for reference raster
DlgGetObject("Choose georeferenced raster to use as reference:", "Raster", refObjItem, "ExistingOnly");
# PIPELINE SOURCE for reference image
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_SOURCE_RVC refSource(refObjItem);
err = refSource.Initialize();
if ( err < 0 ) 
	ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
	print("Reference image source initialized.");
refGeoref = refSource.GetGeoreference();
# get coordinate reference system from the reference image georeference
class SR_COORDREFSYS refCRS;						# reference raster's coordinate reference system
refCRS = refGeoref.GetCRS();
if (refCRS.IsDefined() == 0 or refCRS.IsLocal() ) {
	PopupMessage("Reference image coordinate reference system is undefined or local; exiting script.");
	printf("Reference image coordinate reference system: %s\n", refCRS.Name );
class RVC_OBJITEM inObjItemList[];		# HASH of RVC_OBJITEMS for unknown number of input rasters to mosaic
numeric numInputs;
# DlgGetObjects populates an RVC_OBJITEM hash with the RVC_OBJITEM of each selected raster
DlgGetObjects("Choose georeferenced rasters to mosaic:", "Raster", inObjItemList, "ExistingOnly", 2);
# set up array of RVC_SOURCE class handles with number equal to number of input rasters
numInputs = inObjItemList.GetNumItems();
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_SOURCE_RVC sources[numInputs];
printf("Number of rasters to mosaic = %d\n", numInputs);
# set up STAGE_ARRAY to pass to the mosaic filter using number of inputs; construct
# with unspecified number of stages to allow for skipping ungeoreferenced inputs
# declare class variables to use in processing the input rasters
class RVC_OBJITEM objItem;			# ObjItem for the current input raster (gets reused)
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_GEOREFERENCE sourceGeoref;		# georeference from current source image
class SR_COORDREFSYS crs;									# coordinate reference system from current source image
# loop through the hash of input objItems
numeric i;								# counter
for i = 1 to numInputs {
	objItem = inObjItemList[i];							# get ObjItem for current source image from the hash
																	# of RVC_OBJITEMS
	# PIPELINE SOURCE for each input image
	sources[i] = new IMAGE_PIPELINE_SOURCE_RVC(objItem);	# add a new source for the current image to the array
	err = sources[i].Initialize();
	if ( err < 0 )
		ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
		printf("\nInitialized source %d of %d\n", i, numInputs);
	# if defined, add source to STAGE_ARRAY, otherwise skip
	sourceGeoref = sources[i].GetGeoreference();
	crs = sourceGeoref.GetCRS();
	if (crs.IsDefined() == 0 or crs.IsLocal() ) {
		printf("Coordinate reference system for source %d is undefined or local.\n",  i);
		printf("Source %d will be omitted from mosaic.\n", i);
	else { 
		printf("Source %d: CRS = %s\n", i, crs.Name );
		# append source to the STAGE_ARRAY
# CHOOSE OUTPUT RASTER:  Prompt for the output raster for the mosaic.
# DlgGetObject creates only an ObjItem for the output; the new raster will then be created
# by the TARGET_RVC with the desired compression.  The ObjectPath of the ObjItem is not
# valid until the output raster is actually created by the pipeline.
class RVC_OBJITEM mosObjItem;		# ObjItem for the output mosaic raster
DlgGetObject("Select new raster object for the mosaic:", "Raster", mosObjItem, "NewOnly"); 
# PIPELINE FILTER to mosaic the input rasters
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_FILTER_MOSAIC mosaic(stages, refSource, "Nearest", "Last");
err = mosaic.Initialize();
if ( err < 0 ) 
	ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
	print("Mosaic filter initialized.");
# set up the target for the mosaic pipeline
class IMAGE_PIPELINE_TARGET_RVC target_rvc(mosaic, mosObjItem);
target_rvc.SetCompression("DPCM", 100);
err = target_rvc.Initialize();
if ( err < 0) 
	ReportError(_context.CurrentLineNum, err);
	print("Mosaic target initialized."); 
# EXECUTE the pipeline process