

More scripts: Import & Export

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Class FILEPATH path  = _context.ScriptDir+"/output.svg";
Class SVG mysvg;
Class GRE_VIEW view;
Class GRE_LAYOUT layout;
Class XmForm form;
form = CreateFormDialog("status");	# dialog must be created but not required to be opened
layout = LayoutCreate("Mount Saint Helens",1); 
# if not basing on a view use the layouts settings and those in ini file.
# the following is only needed if UseFirstView == 1      
view  = LayoutCreateView(layout,form,"",300,300);
#### not required unless you actually want to see the layout that is openend ##### 
# 	 layout.DlgObjMgrCreate(form);
#     DialogOpen(form);
#  once created any view  setting techniques may be used  .
## this uses the layout coordinates and zoom level #########
Class POINT2D center;
center.x = 5; 
center.y = 6;
view.Center = center;
#  set various optional parameters                           #
#mysvg.ShowDatatips(1,0); #must also be set in layout
mysvg.UseOnlyPNGs(0);	#indicates jpegs preferred.
mysvg.UseAdobeMenu(1); #adobe svg viewer specific right click menu.
mysvg.SetCompression(9); #nine is the highest. 0 is uncompressed.
################## necessary associations #####################
mysvg.SetLayout(layout); #associates the layout with the svg
mysvg.SetPath(path); #output location
#################  now actually render out the svg #####################