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#	SML script to perform surface fitting on a set of attribute values
#	attached to vector points that represent an array of soil sample locations.
#	Values are read from a attached database table called "TABLE".
#	The script uses a field boundary polygon in a second vector object to make a mask raster.
#	The polygon is specified by element number, with the default being 1.
#	The mask raster is applied to each output surface raster to assign null for cells outside 
#	the field boundary.  The mask raster is also used as a reference raster for the surface
#	fitting function to ensure that the surface rasters cover the full map extents
#	of the field.  Written for TNTmips v6.30.
#	Author:	Randy Smith, MicroImages, Inc.
#	Date:		10 March 2000
# Revisions
# 15 March 2000: MakeSurf procedure modified to delete raster pyramids automatically 
#						created by surface fitting function prior to applying mask.  Add 
#						popup dialog to prompt for element number of boundary polygon for
#						conversion to region to use to make mask.
# 29 July 2003: modified to conform to strict syntax checking.  MakeSurf procedure
#						modified to take valuePoint$ parameter instead of using global
#						parameter value.
# 2 December 2003: modified to set 0 as null for mask (mask for some reason is no longer 
#							automatically created with 0 set as null).
# 21 September 2004: modified for v7.0 to use internal REGION2D instead of region object
#                    to set up the mask raster.
# global variable declarations
vector Boundary, Points;
raster Surface, Mask;
class Georef vecGeoref;
string surfName$;
string surfDescript$;
string rasttype$;
string ptQuery$;
string filename$;
string filedescript$;
numeric cellsize, horizCell, vertCell;
numeric boundElemNum;
# Assign fixed values for global variables for Minimum Curvature surface fitting
numeric usePoints = 1;
numeric useLines = 0;
string searchMethod$ = "Square";
numeric searchDist = 50;
numeric weightPower = 2.0;
numeric tension = 0.5;
string selectPoints$ = "1";
string selectLines$ = "";
string valueLine$ = "";
#	Define procedures
# Procedure to make surface raster
proc MakeSurf(string name$, string descript$, string type$, string valuePoints$) {
	# Create blank raster for surface fitting with desired file / object names, 
	# data type, and cell size.
	CreateRasterFromObject(Boundary, Surface, filename$, name$, descript$,
				horizCell, vertCell, type$, vecGeoref);
	Surface = 0;
	# perform surface fitting from vector Points to raster Surface
	# using mask raster as a reference raster to control extents and
	# georeferencing
	SurfaceFitMinimumCurvature(Points, Surface, usePoints, useLines,
		searchMethod$, searchDist, weightPower, tension, selectPoints$,
		selectLines$, valuePoints$, valueLine$, Mask);
	DeletePyramid(Surface);	# Delete pyramids created by surface fitting function
	# apply mask to raster Surface
	for each Surface {
		Surface = Surface * Mask;
	SetNull(Surface, 0);
	CreatePyramid(Surface, 1);
# Get input objects
### Prompt for input object selection
PopupMessage("Select a vector object containing soil test points \n and one containing the field boundary polygon");
GetInputVector(Points);  		# vector point object
GetInputVector(Boundary);		# vector object containing field boundary polygon
vecGeoref = GetLastUsedGeorefObject(Boundary);
boundElemNum = PopupNum("Enter element number of boundary polygon", 1, 1, 10000, 0);
# Create Project File to contain output surface rasters
filename$ = GetOutputFileName("","Enter name of output project file:", "rvc");
filedescript$ = PopupString("Enter description of output project file","Surface rasters from attributes of soil test points");
# Prompt for desired cell size of output surface rasters
cellsize = PopupNum("Desired cell size of surfaces in meters:",2,0,100,0);
horizCell = cellsize;
vertCell = cellsize;
# Make temporary in-memory region to create mask for surface rasters
# Declare region name
class REGION2D RegField;		# region from field boundary polygon
# Create region from field boundary polygon
RegField = ConvertVectorPolyToRegion(Boundary,boundElemNum,vecGeoref);
# Create a mask raster matching extents of field boundary
# polygon with value = 1 inside field boundary.
CreateRasterFromObject(Boundary,Mask,filename$,"Mask","Mask raster with 1 inside field boundary",
				horizCell,vertCell,"binary",vecGeoref);		# blank raster with desired extents
Mask = 0;				# assign initial value to mask
# IgnoreNull(Mask);
for each Mask in RegField {
	Mask = 1;
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.PH
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.PH";
surfName$ = "PH";
surfDescript$ = "PH surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.BUFFER
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.BUFFER";
surfName$ = "BUFFER";
surfDescript$ = "BUFFER surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.CA_INDEX
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.CA_INDEX";
surfName$ = "CA_INDEX";
surfDescript$ = "CA_INDEX surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.PERCA
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.PERCA";
surfName$ = "PERCA";
surfDescript$ = "PERCA surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.CA
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.CA";
surfName$ = "CA";
surfDescript$ = "CA surface raster";
rasttype$ = "16-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.MG_INDEX
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.MG_INDEX";
surfName$ = "MG_INDEX";
surfDescript$ = "MG_INDEX surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.PERMG
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.PERMG";
surfName$ = "PERMG";
surfDescript$ = "PERMG surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.MG
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.MG";
surfName$ = "MG";
surfDescript$ = "MG surface raster";
rasttype$ = "16-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.K_INDEX
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.K_INDEX";
surfName$ = "K_INDEX";
surfDescript$ = "K_INDEX surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.PERK
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.PERK";
surfName$ = "PERK";
surfDescript$ = "PERK surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.K
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.K";
surfName$ = "K";
surfDescript$ = "K surface raster";
rasttype$ = "16-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.KMGRATIO
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.KMGRATIO";
surfName$ = "KMGRATIO";
surfDescript$ = "K / MG RATIO surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.K_MG_IND
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.K_MG_IND";
surfName$ = "K_MG_IND";
surfDescript$ = "K - MG INDEX surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.P_INDEX
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.P_INDEX";
surfName$ = "P_INDEX";
surfDescript$ = "P_INDEX surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.P1
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.P1";
surfName$ = "P1";
surfDescript$ = "P1 surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.BICARB
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.BICARB";
surfName$ = "BICARB";
surfDescript$ = "BICARB surface raster";
rasttype$ = "8-bit unsigned";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.CEC
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.CEC";
surfName$ = "CEC";
surfDescript$ = "CEC surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# Fit surface to point values in TABLE.OM
ptQuery$ = "TABLE.OM";
surfName$ = "OM";
surfDescript$ = "Organic matter surface raster";
rasttype$ = "32-bit float";
MakeSurf(surfName$, surfDescript$, rasttype$, ptQuery$);
# End