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#raster labeller.sml
#written by: David Friberg
#date: 27 July 2004
#		Use this SML Layer to add labels to all raster layers 
#		in a group.  Label used is the name of the raster.
#		TNTmips 6.9
#		Must be used as an SML layer in the Display process.
#To use:
#		Add all raster layers to be labeled.
#		Add this SML layer.
class GRE_LAYER curLayer = ThisLayer.Group.FirstLayer;
ThisLayer.Name = "Labels";
while(curLayer != 0) {
	if(curLayer.Type == "Raster") {
		class RASTER curRast;
		DispGetRasterFromLayer(curRast, curLayer);
		class GEOREF curGeoref;
		curGeoref = GetLastUsedGeorefObject(curRast);
		class POINT2D labelPos = ObjectToMap(curRast, 0, 15, curGeoref);
		class TRANSPARM trans;
		trans.InputCoordRefSys = curGeoref.CoordRefSys;
		trans.OutputProjection = ThisLayer.Projection;
		labelPos = trans.ConvertPoint2DFwd(labelPos);
		MoveTo(labelPos.x, labelPos.y);
		DrawTextSimple(sprintf("%s", curLayer.Name));
	curLayer = curLayer.NextLayer;