Class-Merging Tools Added to Automatic Raster Classification

  V5.70 -- August 1997

The TNTmips Automatic Classification process for multiband images now features enhanced tools for analyzing the classification results and a new interactive class-merging process. You can use this process to simplify the class raster by merging classes that have similar spectral properties (low separability) and / or that tend to lie adjacent to each other (high co-occurrence).

The output class raster is automatically displayed in a View window using a standard color table to provide a unique color for each numbered class. Class color samples are also incorporated in the revamped Classification Dendrogram and Co-occurrence Analysis windows (as in previous versions, you open these windows using the View menu on the main Automatic Classification window). The Operations on Classes window allows you to merge classes in steps. In each step you merge two or more classes into a single class. You can select classes for merging from the list in the Operations on Classes window, from the View window, from the Classification Dendrogram, or from the Co-occurrence Analysis window. Selected classes are highlighted in all windows except the View window. After merging, the new merged class is assigned the number of the first selected component class. The class raster view and all output statistics are updated automatically after each merge operation. If you are not satisfied with the final results, you can use the Undo feature to return to any step in the sequence of merge operations. Changes become permanent only when you exit the Automatic Classification process.