
  Know someone who could use TNTmips Pro?

Earn US $500 credit toward any product purchase (or US $400 cash) for each referral that results in a TNTmips Pro sale to a new MicroImages client. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields.

Your Information:


1You must include your TNTgis software License Serial Number to receive cash payment. See Rule 1 below.


  1. You must own a Professional License for TNTmips, TNTedit or TNTview to receive cash payment.
  2. MicroImages Resellers are not eligible.
  3. Referral must be a new MicroImages customer.
  4. Sale must be completed within 90 days of referral.
  5. Credit is non-transferable.
  6. In the event of multiple referrals for the same new customer, only the first referral will receive credit/payment.